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Writer's pictureMegan Robertson

5 Topics For Your Real Estate Blog

Need Blog Motivation, We Can Help!

I know, I know.... writing a blog can be time-consuming and sometimes daunting. Bringing your readers quality content is important, but takes time. Have you been blogging for a while and looking for new topic inspiration? Look no further, Wise Marketing Professionals has some topics to help inspire your writer's block.

1. Area Information

People looking for real estate want to know about the area. Choose a neighborhood and provide the nitty-gritty details! Choose a landmark and talk about its historical value. Choose an educational experience so that relocating parents know about the opportunities with their kids. Keeping it local also helps improve SEO. Be sure to use appropriate keywords for popular areas searched locally.

2. Upcoming Area Events

Is there a festival of lights for the holidays, or a growing list of summer events? Post about it! Make a top 10 list of things to do for each season or a weekend highlight of events for families. People want to read content that will help them know more about their community. Some example topics could be: where to get photos with Santa (or another holiday character)?, local gems to visit this summer with kids, a list of top events for summer (or other seasons).

Area events are always changing, so it's important to post regularly so your readers have something to look forward to. You want your blog to be a resource that adds value.

3. New Listings/Just Sold

Your Blog should be a tool to market yourself! Post about your new listings (all the home details and photos if you can!). Post about how quickly it sold. Were there multiple offers? USE IT. Did you sell 3 homes in one neighborhood last month? Did you list 5? USE IT. Write about it. Yell it from the rooftops. Share it on social media. Your #blog provides you with a platform to #market your business and yourself. The readers may come to your blog for Area Updates but then see how successful you are which causes them to consider YOU the next time they want to buy or sell.

Make sure that you provide TEXT in addition to IMAGES. This helps with #SEO and indexing articles with #Google.

4. Buyer or Seller Tips/Tricks

There is always something that you can tell a buyer or seller. A checklist for something. For instance, how to sell your home during (insert current season here); home upgrades with the best #ROI; Do's and Don't's of (hiring a contractor, home inspector, home repairs, etc.); Purchase New Construction or Not?

How To's are super helpful for anyone looking to buy or sell. I've said it before, but I'll say it one more time (ahem...for the people in the back) ADD VALUE with your content. Your blog should be something people look forward to reading, that provides valuable content for your clients. Do you work primarily with first-time homebuyers? That is a perfect audience for all of the How To's. Every first-time home buyer has a LOT of questions. They want to know everything. Millennials especially research everything to the end of the internet and back. Help them find the information they want to know about. Research keywords for your region and most popular searches! It will pay off.

5. Guest Blogger

Don't underestimate the power of a Guest Blogger. Do you have a large real estate team? Ask your #realtors if they want to write a blog to be posted on the team/company page. They can write about their unique experiences (a day in the life of a Real Estate Agent, how they got started, their favorite part of being a Realtor, and so much more!). The possibilities are endless. Market the idea as a win/win. You get content for your blog, the agent will get exposure. Be sure to share the blog on social media both team/company social pages and the individual agents page.

Keeping Guest Blogging in mind, ask a lender to write a market review/report monthly (or weekly if they're willing). You can link to their website, loan application, social media, etc. Ask a home inspector to write do's/don'ts from an inspector's perspective. And So On. You get the idea. The possibilities are endless.

Keep in mind that this content will help build your presence, be a #marketing tool for those around you and help with external links (vendor webpages) which boosts your SEO!

Real Estate Blog motivation


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